miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

A month at Dr. Tony's House in Pictures

I bought this beautiful scarf that Anita knitted for me! She is really gifted and knits all sorts of things. Anita is also such a help in the house, helping the mamitas with their cooking, helping in the babies room and with the clothes.
Alex playing the instrument. He is such a sweetie, giving hugs all the time and sitting in your lap. He got to go home with his parents last week! "Se fue de alta" Yay for him!

Flor and el caballo. She loves to dance and has a lot of energy, bouncing around the room and falling all over you.

Jefferson, Jordan and Luis Sanchez.

Jefferson is also very hyper and tires you out on those Lima trips to the hospital. Haha.

Victor is a total daredevil. He has no fears at all; he goes swimming in the pool, rides his bike (by using his chin to steer) and everything else! And all this without any arms, one leg and one prosthetic! He is such an inspiration that anyone can do anything if they set their mind to it.

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